What is PSYCH-K®?

Credit: Orli @ Practice of Mind

PSYCH-K® is a simple & direct way to change self-limiting beliefs at the subconscious level.

Did you know that at least 95% of our conscious thought & action (behaviour) is determined at a subconscious level?

Between the ages of 2 & 6 years our subconscious mind soaks up information from our environment without any analysis, judgement, editing or critical thinking. This unfiltered information determines our beliefs, attitudes, values & behaviours which exist until we change them at the subconscious level.

Our subconscious mind can be thought of like a computer, full of programs & files (our software), much of which we uploaded without any analysis or editing.

PSYCH-K® is a spiritual process with psychological benefits, focused on the future & designed to create a whole-brain state, in which both hemispheres of the brain unite. This unity reprograms the mind to bring new beliefs which support & move us towards living from our centres of power.

PSYCH-K® can be used to:

  • Create beliefs that support healthy & loving relationships

  • Reduce emotional stress & allow for optimal health & vitality

  • Increase self confidence to support positive & decisive action steps

  • Replace old attitudes about money with those that align with who you want to be

If you want to work with Jayne using a safe, non-invasive process to change unhelpful patterns of thinking & to remove limiting beliefs PSYCH-K® might be for you.